Skills Development and the legislative requirements that make skills development work in favour of your business, whilst proactively doing something to help curb the dire youth unemployment crisis in South Africa, can be daunting…… If you don’t understand it.
The Skills Development Corporation (SDC) has undertaken to granularly understand the legislative requirements, and opportunities that a business in today’s South African economic environment can use to a) drastically improve their B-BBEE scorecard, b) teach and upskill existing workforces through accredited programs that are certified
under the 21 SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority) and c) proactively make a difference to the youth unemployment rate.
Since 2012, SDC has built solutions that cater to every business type and skills development need, from dedicated, accredited learnerships and short courses, through to work placements and skills development audits.
To speak to SDC about what service would best suit your business needs, contact us or browse our portfolio below and hover over each service offering for a more detailed explanation of how these services can best suit your business needs: