Mandatory & Discretionary Grant Applications (WSP, ATR, & Pivotal Reports)

As a registered Skills Development Facilitator (SDF), the SDF professionally manages all your company’s SETA documentation, applications, and compliance. This includes applications for, Workplace Skills Plans (WSP), Annual Training Reports, and Pivotal Reports.

Applications: The intention of the legislation and regulations is that mandatory grants are used as an incentive for employers to plan and implement training for their employees and create training and work experience opportunities for unemployed people. The purpose of the discretionary grants is for the SETA to use them to implement their Sector Skills Plan and to contribute to national targets.

Employers who are up to date with the payment of their Skills Development Levies, and who have submitted their Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and an Annual Training Report (ATR) on time will be eligible to claim grants from their respective SETAs.

Note: Some SETA Discretionary Grant windows open separately.

A Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is a prerequisite for any company which intends to maintain an exemplary B-BBEE scorecard.

The Workplace Skills Plan is intended to document the skills needs in a company and to describe the range of skills development interventions that the company will use to address these needs.

A WSP must be developed and submitted every year before the 30th of April, to comply with the current Skills Development legislation.

Annual Training Reports (ATR) are also submitted. This report reflects the education, training and development activities of the organisation that were implemented and intended to show progress against your last WSP.

New addition

Pivotal programmes are professional, vocational, technical, and academic learning programmes, that result in qualifications or part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) that address critical and scarce skills needs.

Failure to submit your WSP/ATR & Pivotal Reports will result in NO points for Skills Development on the B-BBEE Scorecard.

While organisations can elect to manage this process themselves, these reports are ordinarily compiled by a registered Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) or another qualified person and submitted to the SETA. The Skills Development Corporation maintains a proven track record in this area as a registered SDF.

By allowing the SDF to facilitate these functions, your business will maintain an exemplary compliance with SETA and ensure that all future benefits will be realized entirely. Companies that work in this way also mitigate the risk of incurring penalties or exclusions because of non-compliance.