Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports

It is crucial to note that a WSP must be created and submitted annually before the 30th of April to comply with the current Skills Development legislation.
Additionally, Annual Training Reports (ATRs) must be submitted detailing your business’s education, training, and development initiatives and showing progress compared to the last WSP. Failure to submit these reports will result in no points for Skills Development on the B-BBEE Scorecard.
Experienced Team
SDC Consult
While organizations can choose to manage this process internally, a WSP is typically compiled by a registered Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) or another qualified individual and submitted to the SETA. The Skills Development Corporation has a solid track record in this area.
We facilitate this service through a division of the SDC Group called SDC Consult, a registered SDF that administrates all WSP and ATR submissions for our clients. SDC Consult is a consulting firm specialising in legal business compliance, specialised training courses (non-B-BBEE-accredited), skills training, labour law, COIDA, POPIA, and UIF services.
Need support with your WSP/ATR plans? Submit your details in the form below. Visit SDC Consult here.

General Manager (Director)
Glen Kruger

National Sales Manager
Mari Kruger
Need assistance with WSP/ATR submissions?
Preparing your WSP/ATR plans is a vital step in successfully applying for grants. We facilitate this service through a division of SDC Group called SDC Consult, a registered SDF that administrates all WSP and ATR submissions for our clients. Contact us here should you need assistance.