Client Benefits

As investment in learnerships is essential for achieving top B-BBEE ratings, The Skills Development Corporation aims to provide a platform for businesses to fund B-BBEE-certified learnerships and skills programs for their current workforce or the unemployed youth.
As an accredited training institution, we can host learners virtually, online, or off-site at our campus. Our value-added management services include sourcing eligible candidates for learnerships based on your B-BBEE-related requirements. Additionally, we handle all associated administration by assessing, validating, and registering each learner at your relevant SETA on your behalf. We also place successful individuals internally or at one of our placement partners where possible.

Our service offering aligns in full with the governmental requirements of the Skills Development Act and the potential tax incentives available to registered businesses that legally comply with the standards of the Act. As such, our team is dedicated to identifying the potential gap within your Skills Development portfolio through a comprehensive skills audit.
Irrespective of an organisation’s scale, skills shortages and skills misplacement can be likened to holes in a ship’s hull. While your business may survive for a while, staying afloat is impossible while these issues go unaddressed. Through this skills audit, also known as a gap analysis, we offer tailor-made solutions to help you improve your contribution to skills development that holistically will count toward your company’s B-BBEE scorecard. We ensure that your desired Skills Development expenditure target is met; therefore, there are no shortfalls or overspending. The Skills Development Corporation’s proposed solution will add value to your organisation and employees.
Leveraging your Skills Development portfolio for maximum benefit is subject to adequate management and administration of its associated regulating criteria. In conjunction with hosting learners for learnership programs, we offer complete quality management and administration of your Skills Development portfolio to ensure legal compliance with the associated regulatory bodies at all times, allowing your business to qualify for the potential benefit in the form of sustainable tax relief while contributing to more significant economic development.
Our Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) department fulfills a fundamental role internally, ensuring the legislative delivery of our learnerships, which directly affects the B-BBEE auditing process and your business’s eligibility for tax allowance benefits. We guarantee that every student learnership gets registered with the relevant SETA and legally complies with the associated administration process from start to end.

While our accredited institution provides the means for your company to make a difference, our expertise and management of your Skills Development portfolio will ensure you reap maximum benefits from your contribution.
Our team of experts will guide you through establishing sponsored learnership agreements, ensuring that your business meets all the requirements to qualify for tax incentives or allowances. Being an accredited training provider, we ensure that our clients are eligible for the TAX rebate of R80,000 per abled learner and R120,000 per disabled learner, referred to in Section 12H of the Income TAX Act of South Africa.

To comply with the Skills Development Act, all registered businesses must compile and submit Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and Annual Training Reports (ATR) to SETAs. Our team of qualified professionals will work closely with your organization to gather the necessary information, accurately reflect your education, training, and development activities in such reports, and submit them on your behalf. By entrusting us with this process, you can be confident in receiving maximum points for Skills Development on your B-BBEE scorecard and benefit from additional mandatory and discretionary grant applications while we handle the administration.